Goodness gracious me. There are some things in life that you can usually rely on. Buses will only ever arrive three at a time after you've waited 3 days for one, trains will only ever arrive on the first thursday of the month (and then only if an owl carrying a marmoset has passed within 64 feet of the "official" timtable - and then only if the marmoset is reciting the correct poems), politicians are all corrupt, useless imbeciles with the collective imagination of a stale yoghurt, and the Jollys will lose their first game of the season.
But no ! Nay, nay, nay. The natural order of things has been upset... The marmosets are still reciting poetry, the owls are readying their carrying baskets (you didn't think owls would be so unkind as to actually eat the marmosets did you ?) And in a most un Jolly like start to the season we actually manage to start with a win !
P.S. having been heartily chastised in the pub this evening for forgetting the fact, I must also mention that the very first ball faced this year was summarily despatched for a 4. Ding... Ding... Ding... All fares please (many apologies, your humble scribe appears to have completely lost the plot - ed.)
Ah... the season gets underway with the fizz of ringpulls and bottletops being pulled, the rustle of fag packets, and the click of lighter flints. Sadly though we lost the toss and were asked to bowl first. So as our loyal readers have come to expect you'll not be suprised to hear that there were no spare Jollys to take pictures of us in the field. |
This being the case we move swiftly on to the end of Land Registrys innings and after their twelve overs they have suprisingly only amassed something like 71 runs (do check this before it goes online - ed.) But having had a look around I may just know the reason why... |
Meanwhile, having arrived late, here come Mall Tosh Park and "Cockney" Stu fresh from their stroll round the boundary. But they've not been idle, oh no ! They have in fact done their bit for the nature conservancy council by freeing two hedgehogs which they'd found caught up in the boundary netting. And here was us thinking they'd found some "hedge grumble" to look at (see Viz for details :). |
But here's here's proof positive of their stirling rescue efforts as we continue with an action shot of one of the hedgehogs which has celebrated it's new found unentanglement by curling up into a very traditional ball. |
Well back at the game (i.e. the thing that you really want to read about) the Jollys are now batting and the runs are piling on. |
And for more action footage just look at this ! Not only did I manage to capture the runs scored display but a further 300 attempts later and I've also captured the "wickets taken" display (and filled a 128 Mb compact flash card to boot - ed.). |
Well never mind the storyline being so poor here's what you really wanted, and which we really didn't expect, to see - A delighted Oggs & Jol returning to the pavilion having posted the required runs without loss ! |
So naturally we end the day with a well earned visit to the pub for a few pints of celebratory Becks. And new man John shows their is no end to his talents as not only did he put in a cracking bowling performance but he can even talk to girls without getting either drenched in Vodka & Coke or given an a.s.b.o. |
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